Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (2024)

A filled and complete set of tool kits will greatly help you with many everyday repairs and major fixes at home and at work. However, the real key lies in knowing which tools are best for each job.

That’s why I’ve put together an essential list of hand tools, drawing on my woodworking expertise, to help you round out your own toolkit.

List of Hand Tools and Their Uses

Measuring, Marking, and Layout Tools

Different measurement tools and marking gauges are important for any job. Unfortunately, some of these marking tools are more often than not overlooked.

Here is a list of hand tools that help create precision, especially when handling woodworking projects or fixing issues.

1. Tape Measure

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (1)

A tape measure is an excellent tool when measuring. It is an effective and flexible tool for identifying the measurements of different materials.

Purchasing a sturdy and long-lasting tape measure with a mobile hook will help you measure when you are alone. I highly recommend getting a 25-foot tape measure as it’s long enough to measure most materials.

Also Read: How to Read a Measuring Tape

2. Ruler

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (2)

The humble ruler is a versatile measuring tool. It measures lengths and widths and can double as a device for making straight lines.

3. Folding Rule

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (3)

True to its name, a folding rule can be unfolded multiple times depending on the length necessary. You are free to fold sections that are not in use. It is handy when measuring short and long distances.

4. Combination Square

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (4)

This is a modular tool that is a multifunctional instrument. It is easily used in metalworking, woodworking, and stonemasonry.

Combination squares are mainly used for maintaining 45 to 90-degree angles and measuring the center of a circular material.

5. Speed Square

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (5)

A speed square is an ingenious item that combines different tools in one. It is commonly used to create marks, determine different angles, and make square cuts on different boards.

You can use it as a miter square or even as a protractor. It is very handy and very affordable.

6. Level

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (6)

A level is an important instrument that allows the user to determine whether a surface is horizontal or vertical. Determining this on a surface is difficult from observation only. Thus, a level comes in handy.

It will assure you that surfaces are perpendicular to certain reference points. A level is inexpensive and available in major hardware or power tool establishments.

7. Protractor

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (7)

A protractor is a simple tool that is often overlooked. It helps in the construction of planes and angles. This tool is very affordable and available in most stores.

8. Compass

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (8)

A compass is a crucial tool for layouting. It proves highly useful, particularly when creating precise circles using a radius or a diameter. Additionally, this tool excels in efficiently and accurately bisecting angles and dividing lines in half.

9. Bevel Gauge

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (9)

A bevel gauge is an indispensable tool which guides users to measure the sharpening angle of the cutting edge of a chisel or plane iron.

A bevel gauge is one of the recommended ways to maintain and set angles in place when grinding.

10. Marking Gauge

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (10)

A marking gauge is also known as a scratch gauge, one of the beginner woodworking hand tools you should have. The marking gauge is commonly used to create mark lines to guide cutting and other necessary operations. It scribes a line parallel to a reference edge.

11. Pressure Gauge

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (11)

A pressure gauge can measure the amount of pressure inside a certain system. It can measure and monitor the pressure in fluids and steam, among others.

However, a pressure gauge is used less often. It is a tool that comes in handy once in a while.

12. Caliper

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (12)

A caliper is a simple device that can provide precise measurements between two points. This device has an outward point that allows accuracy in measuring points.

You are free to use other kinds of measuring tools, but a caliper can afford a more accurate one.

13. Laser Measure

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (13)

Laser measure allows users to calculate items that are too oversized and are difficult for the usual hand tools. Furthermore, it provides accurate measurements of distances and areas, among others.

The laser spot of the unit can easily measure distances to a target. It can usually measure up to 50 feet.

14. Bubble Inclinometer

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (14)

A bubble inclinometer is similar to a level. However, instead of leveling and keeping surfaces proportional, it allows you to identify a particular incline.

Place the bubble inclinometer near the joint you wish to be measured to use this instrument.

15. Awl

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (15)

A scratch awl [1] is a common tool for drafting woodworking layouts and point-making. Plus, an awl is handy for creating small openings for core pins.

While it might not be as essential as some other tools, it’s good to keep one around, especially if you’re a woodworker like I am.

16. Pencil

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (16)

Pencils are very useful for many drafters and builders. Pencils are suitable for making marks on rough surfaces, which include but are not limited to concrete or stone.

You can use the conventional pencil, but most carpenters use rectangular pencils due to their ergonomic design.

Hammers and Screwdrivers

Hammers and screwdrivers are also tools that should be a part of your arsenal.

Here is another list of essential hand tools that generally helps shape the job toward its assembly.

17. Claw Hammer

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (17)

A simple claw hammer is an important device in any workshop. It’s designed with a round head for driving nails. It also has a claw end that is useful for prying, tearing down drywall, and splitting wood.

18. Ball Peen Hammer

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (18)

This is a very useful tool. This instrument is good for tasks involving peening and punching materials to shape them. Designed specifically for its job, one end of the hammer has a ball-shaped head, while the other is flat, perfect for driving.

19. Sledgehammer

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (19)

A sledgehammer is also known as a maul or simply a sledge. It is a good tool for various demolition jobs. It can efficiently break through drywall and masonry walls. The sheer force and the sledgehammer can knock out concrete and shatter words.

20. Specialty Hammer

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Specialty hammers are uniquely designed to accomplish specialized tasks. Specialty hammers include a mason’s hammer, a drywall hammer, and an upholster or tack hammer.

21. Mallet

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (21)

Mallets are seldom overlooked but are important tools to add to your collection. A wooden mallet is used in carpentry to knock pieces of wood together or act as a striking device for dowels and chisels.

Mallets have the advantage of giving control. Also, it does not deform the end of the metal, no matter the force applied.

22. Phillips-Head Screwdriver

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (22)

A Phillips-Head screwdriver is another important hand tool. The shallow cruciform slot on the screw is designed to fit screws with Philip’s head. This specific screwdriver comes in different sizes.

23. Star Screwdriver

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (23)

A star screwdriver is also known as a torx screwdriver. This type of screwdriver is used when fixing issues concerning computer systems, motorcycles, and other consumer electronics and vehicles.

The star-shaped head makes it more secure compared to other screwdrivers. It allows higher torque transmission to tighten screws and bolts more securely.

24. Slotted Screwdriver

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A slotted screwdriver is also known as a standard slot-head, flat-tip, or flat-head screwdriver. It is used to apply torque to screws using a flat tip. There are two types of slotted screwdrivers: keystone and cabinet.

25. Multi-Head Screwdriver

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (25)

Screwdrivers are important instruments when tightening bolts and screws. A multi-head screwdriver is designed to have an interchangeable head which allows you to change and fit different screw sizes and types. This is ideal for different assemblies and repairs.


In woodworking, having a variety of saws is essential. A saw is essentially a thin strip of metal with one edge lined with teeth.

Users rely on these tools to effectively cut solid wood pieces to achieve their desired lengths and shapes.

26. Hand Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (26)

Hand saws are also known as panel saws. Ahand saw can cut woodpieces into preferred sizeseffectively and efficiently. A quality saw can help perform jobs such as crosscutting moldings and cleaning out pegs, dowels, and dovetails.

27. Dovetail Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (27)

A dovetail saw, as its name implies, is a saw for making dovetails. Aside from making dovetails, it can also use other tasks such as notching a wood shelf. Generally, dovetail saws are useful when small and precise cuts are required.

A dovetail saw is very versatile. It can be used in DIY projects and large-scale ones.

28. Tenon Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (28)

A tenon saw is another important hand tool. Large back saws are commonly used to create deep, accurate cuts for future joinery.

It is also used to make short, accurate cuts, especially in projects that demand precision. Its name comes from its function of cutting smaller and more intricate pieces.

29. Carcass Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (29)

A carcass saw is another tool for making precise cuts across the grain. This saw is a backsaw that has crosscut teeth. The steel atop the saw is referred to as a backsaw due to the steel atop the saw.

A carcass saw can also cut tenon shoulders and define edges. Fortunately, this type of saw can be used on hard and softwood.

30. Coping Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (30)

Coping saws are a bow saw type of saw. It is commonly used to cut intricate external shapes, interior cutouts, and accurate curves. However, a coping saw is not designed to cut through all materials.

Furthermore, a coping saw is commonly used to cut moldings to create coped joints rather than miter ones.

31. Crosscut Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (31)

A crosscut saw allows you to cut small pieces of wood.It’s particularly efficient for cutting across the wood grain. The teeth are angled backward with a beveled edge, which makes it unique. I sometimes pair it with a saw hook for better results.

Moreover, it’s a lifesaver when used for repairing or manufacturing furniture.

32. Dozuki Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (32)

Originating from Japan, a Dozuki saw is thin and flexible. This kind of saw can be very useful for certain woodworking projects, especially one that involves softer woods. Due to its design, a Dozuki saw can help create precise cuts.

33. Drywall Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (33)

A drywall saw is also known as wallboard saw. It is characterized as a long and narrow saw. It is a precision tool that does not pull large pieces from drywall.

It is typically used for cutting various building and construction materials. Owing to its sharp tip, a drywall saw can be used to create holes for utility plugs, piping, and electrical outlets.

34. Ripping Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (34)

A ripping saw is also known as a tooth saw. It is a versatile tool for woodworking when making various cuts, especially rough lumber. The teeth of a ripping saw alternate between the left and right side.

35. Hacksaw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (35)

A hacksaw is another hand-powered tool that can be used to cut hard materials. Hacksaws are intended to cut metal, rods, and brackets, so when I’m working with these materials, I typically have one on hand. It’s not meant for wood, so avoid using it for that.

The hacksaw has a U-shaped frame with a handle at one end and small pins at both ends. Overall, it’s a good and versatile staple to have in your toolkit.

36. Pruning Saw

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (36)

A pruning saw is characterized by having a curved blade. This blade holds the saw in place.

A pruning saw can cut through a wide range of large and different thicknesses of wood. It is recommended for wood that is 1.5 inches thick or more.

Shovels and Bars

Shovels and bars are frequently used in various carpentry jobs. They come in handy when the need arises.

37. Crowbar

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (37)

A crowbar is also known as a lever. It is characterized as a metal bar tool with flattened tools at both ends.

It can easily help you pry open items apart. It is rather very useful when opening nailed wooden boxes.

38. Pry Bar

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (38)

Pry bars are also known as a lever. However, compared to a crowbar, this bar is flatter and thinner.

Whenever I need to pry something open, like nailed wooden boxes, the crowbar is my go-to. It’s incredibly handy in those situations.

39. Drain Spade

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (39)

Drain spades are physically characterized as narrow shovels. They are considered one essential tool, especially when performing accurate digging. Drain spades are strong, lightweight, and highly efficient.

A drain spade is one of those implements that can help make planning landscapes easier.

40. Shovel

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (40)

Many people overlook the importance of a shovel, but I’ve found it invaluable in my work. While it’s primarily used to dig and move loose materials like soil, its utility extends beyond that. With its flat edge and slightly concave blade, it’s designed to efficiently break through surfaces or scoop up materials.

Bench Planers and Joinery

Benchwork or bench planes are very convenient stations that allow certain woodworking operations. Good bench planes allow users to create excellent finishes and achieve a degree of accuracy, especially when dealing with joinery planes.

Here is another list of essential hand tools under the bench planer and joinery category.

41. Jack Plane

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (41)

A jack plane is known as a woodworking bench plane for various purposes. It is used to cut timber to a prescribed size in preparation for processing, such as edge joining. It is one of the initial planes used when dealing with rough stock.

42. Smoothing Plane

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (42)

When I’m at the post-processing stage of my project, I often turn to my trusty smoothing plane. It’s smaller in size, making it ideal for tighter spaces.

Before the widespread use of sandpaper, this was the traditional tool for achieving those perfectly smooth surfaces. However, it’s a testament to its effectiveness that it’s still in use today.

43. Jointer Plane

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (43)

A jointer plane is also known as a try plane or a trying plane. This is another hand-powered tool among the different types of planers for wood. It can also straighten the edges of rough boards and flatten their faces.

44. Rabbet Plane

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (44)

A rabbet plane is also known as a rebate plane is designed to make and turn rabbets. It is specifically designed to cut rabbets.

Rabbets are referred to as grooves that are cut into the edge of a wood. The creation of a groove is necessary for the preparation of creating a joint.

45. Low-Angle Block Plane

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (45)

A low-angle block plane is used to clean up the end grain. It can be used for general-purpose work. This is done post-cutting a board. The low-angle block plane removes the arris, shapes outside curves, and cutting angles.

46. Large Router Plane

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (46)

A router plane is an excellent hand plane tool when working with mortises, trimming tenon, inlay, or any project that requires a cut with precise depth. Furthermore, it is used to smooth out sunken panels and other depressions found below the surface.

47. Large Shoulder Plane

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (47)

A large shoulder plane is used to trim breadboard tenons, pare tenon cheeks, and adjust shoulders. Due to its magnitude, it allows precision for larger woodwork projects.

48. Plow Plane

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (48)

A plow plane is also known as a plough plane or a grooving plane. It is used for making grooves that are parallel to an edge. It is one of the easiest planes for joinery, and one the excellent planers for beginners.

How to Select the Right Plane for the Job

You can purchase a shoulder plane if you have no idea what plane to purchase and use. Both tools will refine and perfect cuts of wood. Also, you may need to maintain the sharpness of your tool. Read this guide on how to sharpen plane iron to ensure smooth and accurate cuts.

Interesting Topic: List of the Best Electric Hand Planers

Clamps, Pliers, and Wrenches

I can’t stress enough the importance of clamps, pliers, and wrenches. They secure the workpiece, holding it firmly in place for a while, which gives woodworkers the freedom to make multiple adjustments and improvements with ease.

49. C-Clamp

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (49)

A C-clamp is also known as a G-clamp or G-cramp. A C-clamp is a tool that can hold a wood or metal down. It can effectively hold wood pieces steady while working on them.

50. Spring Clamp

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (50)

Spring clamps are quick and easy to use. They are particularly appropriate for projects requiring light pressure and temporarily holding down items. Spring clamps are wonderful for fast and easy clamping and gluing wood projects.

51. Parallel-Jaw Clamp

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (51)

A parallel-jaw clamp is a very big clamp. Its jaw is fixed at a 90-degree angle. It is very useful when assembling squares or materials required to be straight. It allows large openings by holding it in place.

It can withstand extreme loads and pressure. A parallel-jaw clamp is very useful for big projects.

52. Diagonal Pliers

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (52)

Diagonal cutting pliers are often used to cut wire. It accomplishes this by indenting and wedging the cable apart. Furthermore, diagonal pliers are more suited for smaller and more delicate cutting operations.

53. Vise-Grips grips

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (53)

Vise-grips are used for a lot of tasks. These grips can be used to hold down the straight edges of the plywood for easy mark-making.

A vise-grip can be used to remove stripped bolt heads once they are too tight.

54. Needle Nose Pliers

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (54)

These specific sets of pliers are wonderful for small and little materials for certain woodworking projects. The jaws are designed with a knurled surface and side cutters. It can bend wires, hold fittings, and place fasteners.

These are also lifesavers when working in tight spaces. They are also particularly useful for fishing out screws and other small items from small narrow spaces.

55. Self-Adjusting Pliers

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (55)

Self-adjusting pliers are a particular tool that is very convenient when it comes to various woodworking projects. It has a spring-loaded design that adjusts and locks the plier’s jaws into position.

Self-adjusting pliers allow a convenient way of securing a grip every single time. These are very reliable sets of pliers.

56. Combination Pliers

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (56)

Combination pliers are named due to their different functions. They are usually made up of steel alloys and additives such as vanadium. Combination pliers are generally used for bending, gripping, cutting, and twisting.

57. Hex Key Set

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (57)

A hex key set is also known as Allen wrenches. It is usually used to fix and assemble pieces of furniture and adjust specific tools, among others.

A hex key set offers a unique function by fitting into hexagonal-shaped holes. It is handy since it folds and can fit inside a drawer or a pocket.

58. Adjustable Wrench

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (58)

An adjustable wrench is also known as an adjustable spanner. An adjustable wrench is one tool used to tighten and loosen nuts and bolts on a project.

Its moveable jaw allows this function. Furthermore, it can accommodate different sizes of nuts and bolts you are working with.

59. Socket Set

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (59)

A socket set is a hand-held apparatus that is used for tightening or removing nuts and other fasteners. Furthermore, it gives the users the flexibility to get grips with fasteners of different sizes.

60. Combination Wrench

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (60)

A set of combination wrenches is also highly recommended as a part of your toolbox. The design of a combination wrench is quite clever, with a closed loop on one end and an open U-shape on the other.

The closed loop is used to loosen difficult hexagonal or square nuts. The open end is used to unscrew it fully. Overall, it’s a tool that has proven indispensable time and again.

Sharpening Tools

Sharpening tools come in different shapes and sizes. These items sharpen other tools toward their accurate performance.

61. Vise

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (61)

A vise allows you to grab and hold nearly anything in a steady position. However, the vise’s jaws have a machined face and can disfigure the wood.

62. Chisels

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (62)

A chisel is a hand tool primarily used for cutting, shaping, and carving. Chisels can be used on stone, wood, and metal. It is one of the most popular tools for shaping materials.

63. Scissors

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (63)

Scissors are small, handy, and reliable tools that are mainly used to cut items.

64. Anvils

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (64)

Anvils are used for various tasks. It can be used to straighten hardware, reform tools, or reinforce depressions on surfaces.

65. Waterstones

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (65)

Waterstones are used to sharpen other items. It has a flattened surface that is soaked in water which allows it to file and sharpen sharp tools.

66. Honing guide

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A honing guide holds chisels and plane irons in positions. This allows the creation of a square edge on tools.

Other Tools and Miscellaneous

Beyond the tools I’ve mentioned above, I’d suggest considering these accessories and checking their utility. You never know when they might come in handy during a job!

67. Ladder

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (67)

A ladder provides access to areas that are at a higher elevation. It is not used directly as a work platform.

68. Flashlight

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (68)

A flashlight can effectively illuminate a room. It is a mobile and handy light source that can help you light up tight, narrow, and hard to reach. If you’re looking to purchasing one, I recommend a high-quality LED light for your workshop.

69. Utility Knife

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (69)

A premium utility knife is useful when handling various woodworking projects and issues. A good quality knife can help open boxes and bags and trim textiles.

70. Extension Cord

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (70)

Most of what’s covered in this list of hand tools do not require any power sources. Despite this, an extension cord may come in handy once in a while, especially when using power tools. It is a handy item in any workshop to provide power.

71. Staple Gun

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A staple gun can come in handy once in a while. At one point in your first projects, you will need to staple an item unto a surface.

If your budget allowsit,I recommend purchasing one of these, as they can make certain operations easier.

72. Caulking Gun

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (72)

A caulking gun is a device with a tube filled with a sealant for fixing gaps in your home and projects.

It can effectively be used in a myriad of materials. Many, if not most of the gaps and spaces can be sealed using a caulking gun.

73. Sawhorses

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Sawhorses owing to their wide top, are very good support and can be used as a bench plane or a field workbench. It is very convenient to have one when cutting pieces of wood. It is wonderful to have one in your workshop, and it is affordable too.

74. Stud Finder

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A stud finder is a good tool to help you find framing studs behind a surface or a wall. It helps you avoid studs while drilling or nailing.

A stud finder can is also available as an affordable magnetic unit or a professional unit. You’ll likely to find one that fits your budget.

75. Tools For Curves

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There are different tools for drawing, cutting, and measuring curves. These tools would include a marking knife, drawknives, rasps, and scrapers.

How to Organize Your Tools

Organizing your hand tools is easy. You can organize the tools you picked from this list by keeping them in a toolbox.

Usually these toolboxes depend on the tool’s uses and categories, as reflected in this list.

How to Store The Tools

Make sure to keep your tools organized. Keep them away from moisture and heat to avoid rust and exposure. You can also use magnetic strips to organize tools.

How to Keep Your Tools in Good Condition

After picking out the tools from this list, make sure you have enough space for them. Without proper organization and room, your workshop can quickly become crowded and chaotic. Proper storage is as essential as the tools themselves.

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (76)

Best Place to Buy These Tools

These hand and power tools can be purchased at your local physical hardware store or a lumber yard.

With the advent of the internet and technology, you can also purchase these tools online. However, it’s best to go to a physical store to inspect these items before purchasing them.


As you’ve seen in this essential hand tools list, there’s a wide array of products that cater to various needs. All the tools I’ve highlighted here are among the most critical for home, professional, and DIY projects.

Butbefore diving in and buying everything on the list, I’d advise checking their specific uses. It’s always best to ensure you’re investing in tools you’ll use often, rather than letting them gather dust.

Essential Hand Tools List: Must-Haves at Home [2024] (2024)


What should everyone have in their tool box? ›

10 Things That Should Be in EVERYONE'S Toolbox
  • Screwdrivers. ...
  • Spanners and Sockets. ...
  • Hammers. ...
  • Measuring Tape. ...
  • Pliers. ...
  • Utility Knife. ...
  • Spirit Levels. ...
  • Torches.

What is the most common hand tool that is available at home? ›

The most important hand tools that every home should have includes a hammer and screwdrivers. These are two of the most basic tools that everyone should have. It allows you to complete simple DIY tasks or repairs around the home. In addition to that, a tape measure is also vital.

What is the most useful tool in the world? ›

The knife helps feed us, shelter us, defend us and assure our survival. It's the most reliable, useful and important tool in human history. For more on why the knife ranked number one, click here.

What is common to all hand tools? ›

The common denominator of these tools is removal of material from a workpiece, usually by some form of cutting. The presence of a cutting edge is therefore characteristic of most tools, and the principal concern of toolmakers has been the pursuit and creation of improved cutting edges.

What is the most important item in the tool kit? ›

5 Essential Tools for Any Toolbox
  • Claw Hammer -- Every toolbox should have a claw hammer inside of it. ...
  • Screwdriver Set -- It's important to have a screwdriver set that has multiple heads for multiple screws. ...
  • Pliers -- Stock your tool box with a standard, 5-10W size plier.
Dec 17, 2016

What is the most misused hand tools? ›

A screwdriver is the most commonly used and abused tool. The practice of using screwdrivers as punches, wedges, pinch bars, or pry pars shall be discouraged as this practice dulls blades and causes employee injury.

What's the most versatile tool? ›

An electric drill will help you in many situations. It's one of the most versatile tools on this list. Using it, you can create holes and secure screws and nails in just about any material, from plywood to metal.

What are the 10 examples of hand tools? ›

Wrenches, pliers, cutters, striking tools, struck or hammered tools, screwdrivers, vises, clamps, snips, saws, drills and knives.

What are the most popular DIY tools? ›

A measuring tape, level, stud finder and screwdriver are all regularly used items for most DIY projects.

What company makes the best hand tools? ›

TOP 13 Ranked Hand Tool Brands – 2023 Study Ratings
8 more rows

What is the oldest hand tool? ›

Oldowan stone tools are simply the oldest recognisable tools which have been preserved in the archaeological record. There is a flourishing of Oldowan tools in eastern Africa, spreading to southern Africa, between 2.4 and 1.7 Ma.

What is 5 hand tools? ›

Whilst the list may not be exhaustive, it is certainly not a bad place to start.
  • Hand Saw. For decades, the trusted handsaw featured in every carpenter's tool bag and was called upon for cutting all kinds of wood. ...
  • Hacksaw. ...
  • Plasterboard Jab Saw. ...
  • Clamp. ...
  • Claw Hammer. ...
  • Pry Bar or Wrecking Bar. ...
  • Pliers. ...
  • Adjustable Spanner.
Aug 6, 2022

What are the 3 basic parts of a toolbox? ›

Name the three basic parts of a toolbox.
  • A large lower roll-around cabinet.
  • An upper tool chest that sits on the roll-around cabinet.
  • A small carrying tray. This is usually placed in the upper tool chest.

What is the best way to organize your toolbox? ›

18 Tool Box Organization Ideas That Work for All Types of Tools
  1. Have a Place for Everything.
  2. Customize Your Toolbox With Foam Organizers.
  3. Create Compartments for Small Pieces.
  4. Organize Your Drawers From Top to Bottom.
  5. Keep Drawers Organized With Trays.
  6. Invest in Stackable Containers.
  7. Utilize Pegboards.
  8. Use Magnetic Boards.

How many basic tools are there in the toolbox? ›

Expert-Verified Answer. Answer: 20 Essential Tools for Your Tool Box. Having a well-equipped tool box is essential for completing projects around the home, whether fixing a leaking pipe, hanging a picture, or working on major home improvements.

How do I choose a toolbox? ›

Size of tools

If you've got lots of small tools and tool bits to store, then you'll want to choose a toolbox that has small compartments to keep everything organised. For larger tools you will need bigger compartments and more space.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.